As a rule, we can define law as being a guideline of conduct that if not executed bears a penalty to the offender. The penalty should be proportional, within reason, to the damage caused by the offense, and the penalty should be severe to the degree that the offender understands that it is much wiser to obey the law than not fulfill it.

At first glimpse this definition can be considered valid for the two types of law to which a person is submitted: the earthly law, instituted by human will, and the laws of Creation, or Universal law, instituted by The Creator's Will. However, the apparent similarities between both end here.

Human law governs over the life of a person in society while the subject is alive on Earth. The Universal law conditions the very existence of man, be he here on Earth, or in any other sphere of Creation.

Human laws are intrinsically imperfect, therefore changeable both in time and space. A month-old promulgated law may no longer be in force today, and the legislation of one country does not necessarily apply to another. But on the other hand the laws of Creation are absolutely perfect, and that's why they can never be subject to any alteration whatsoever. They can never be amended, reduced or revoked. Much less perfected. They exist since the beginning of time and they will stay eternally the same, unalterable, intangible, and incorruptible.

It is absolutely impossible for any person to be fully aware of all the human laws that he or she is submitted to during their short passage of time here on Earth, because of their number and complexity. To the contrary, the laws that govern Creation are few and simple. They are simplicity itself. They can be perfectly understood by anyone, independent of their level of education. And it could be no different, as all the creatures are submitted to them, and thus also the human spirit too, regardless if while on Earth he is illiterate or an academic.

By nature human laws are flawed because they are exclusively products of the limited intellect. They are full of loopholes that prevent them from being carried out, leaving the offender unpunished. They are subject to political injunctions; doubtful interpretations and they contribute to the increased number of specialized consultants that teach people how to legally defraud them. But with Universal law, this has never existed, nor will there ever be a case where a creature has broken a law without having been immediately subject to the consequences of its noncompliance.

Because they are so few of them, extremely simple, absolutely logical and so incisive for the human's existence, there is no excuse for their noncompliance under the allegation of ignorance. The non-execution of these laws through ignorance makes the circumstance even more serious, as it demonstrates that the offender–we could also say here the sinner–showed no interest in them and neither made the slightest effort to assimilate them nor fulfill them. The “lack of effort” is equal to “lack of movement” that already constitutes a conscious disobedience to the law of movement.

To fulfill the laws of Creation is the same as adjusting to The Will of The Creator, Who instituted them. And this Will establishes that in one's development, on Earth or in any other part of Creation, one should only ever find happiness, peace and joy. To not fulfill these laws means to act against The Creator's Will, this in turn brings to man only what is a result of his own wrongdoing: pain, suffering, anguish and all types of misfortunes.

The more spiritually elevated the human is, the wiser he becomes, and the more he submits himself to these Universal laws unconditionally, as this way he is guaranteed happiness at the outset. This is the greatest wisdom that a human being can long for. It is the supreme art of living.

Roberto C. P. Junior