Lúcia, the Servant of Mercy and the Third Secret of Fatima

Earth awoke on February 14th 2005 with the news of the passing of Sister Maria Lúcia do Imaculado Coração, the day before. When she was a young girl she was known as Lúcia de Jesus dos Santos, and in 1917, together with two other children, Jacinta and Francisco, they received the revelations from a ‘Lady of the Luminous Heights’ at the Cova da Ira, Extremadura in Portugal. The ‘Lady’ transmitted to them what is today popularly known as the three messages of Fatima.

Of the three messages, the first two were widely revealed and belong to public domain. The third message, however, became Fatima's secret, that to this date has not been revealed entirely. The Press has informed us over the years through the Papal authorities of Rome, excerpts of this revelation and that has only succeeded in making it more confusing than it should be.

What is the reason for so much fear in revealing something that is so important for mankind? The logic, in this case, leads to a more deepened reflection, that the content of Fatima's third message, for as bitter as it may be for mankind, will also bring a solution for the chaos in which humanity has been trekking in for sometime now. As in all prophecies, this one also shows what should be the correct attitude for the minimization of the coming consequences.

Prophecies, which from time to time come to Earth through enlightened guides, are warnings for humanity to return to the path of the Laws of Creation, as well as the Law of Reciprocity, which specifies the just consequences for all human acts. The planted seed, watered and fertilized transforms itself into an adult plant that will supply multiplied fruits of its same species. The present existence of the majority of humans on Earth is the harvest that was planted in the past, contrary to the Laws of Creation. This is the reason for so much poverty and earthly misery.

Sister Lúcia wrote two books, entitled “Memory” and “Appeals of the Fatima Message”, as the newspaper, Journal de Portugal reveals, in the 14/02/2005 edition. Recognized as a clairvoyant, she fully accomplished her mission of mercy, revealing faithfully all that was entrusted to her by the Luminous Lady. But the revelation did not reach mankind, because it was intercepted and kept hidden by the ecclesiastic authorities.

With her death a cycle comes to an end. Initiated on May 13th 1917, when the Luminous Lady's warnings could still find resonance in our hearts …

In the book “O Livro do Juízo Final”, by Roselis von Sass, published by Ordem do Graal na Terra, there are explanations about the third secret of Fatima.

To Sister Lúcia, a sunny path wish, full of peace and adorned with roses, on her return to the Luminous Kingdom.

José Guimarães Duque Filho